WARNING: For those of you who haven't watched the 2 last episodes of Grey's Anatomy, and wish to see them don't read the following!! It may hurt your eyes and make you stay up all night to find, download and watch them!!
OH-MY-GOD!!!!!! I mean, seriously, what happened there??? Why? Why do this to us?? Is it some kind of new experimental torture tool? I knew that Katherine wanted to leave show, so I wasn't really surprised when her heart stopped beating... but I didn't know about George!! That came as such a HUGE shock!!!
During the whole 2 hours, we follow this John Doe who's had a terrible accident, but we're all focused on Izzie's surgery. Is she gonna make it? Is she gonna die? Is she gonna lose her memory and be a vegetable? And right when she's got her memory back, her heart fails her, and John Doe turns out to be O'Maley!!!! O'Maley, who was going to enroll for Iraq, pushed a girl away from the bus and got hit instead... I should've known it was him from the beginning because we didn't see him during the episodes, and that woman he saved kept calling him a Prince Charming...
So now the question is: are they really going to die?? We don't know for sure yet. First of all, they're not dead as long as they're not pronounced. And at the end of the episodes, no one pronounces them, so there still may be a chance there. Also, Katherine still has a year left on her contract. So will she do this last year or will they end her contract early?
When we see George and Izzie at the end (by the way, don't you think George is unbelievably hot in his uniform and with this military haircut?), maybe they just talk to each other, like when Meredith had her accident and could talk to her mom. Maybe they see each other in some kind of parallel universe and then one of them, or both, comes back. If Izzie really dies, Alex is going to be ice-cold...
I don't want to watch the 6th season if Izzie and O'Maley aren't here anymore, because it's just not the same without them. However, I'd like to know whether or not they are really dead... I guess I'll have to wait aaaaaallllllll summer to find out!